General conditions


Between Encinas and Estrellas, it is a PRIVATE astronomical complex, access is not allowed by the general public, with the exception of those who have requested it with a PRIOR APPOINTMENT, previously arranged groups or guests. Request more information if you want to visit us (

Making the online reservation implies acceptance of each and every one of these General Conditions.
Every Client who makes a reservation through this Website declares that they are of legal age and, where applicable, have full capacity to use means of payment (credit cards) and that they have sufficient funds to cover all costs resulting from the service. , the User also declares to fully accept all of these General Contracting Conditions and the Legal Notice published on the website, as well as the specifications and characteristics of the accommodation offered.
When making the reservation, the Client is fully and exclusively responsible for the accuracy of all the data entered. In case of incorrectness, this could cause its automatic cancellation.

First.- Making a reservation.
The website offers the possibility of making an online reservation, which means a 24-hour service, simple, direct and available from anywhere through an internet connection.
To reserve accommodation, 100 % of the amount of the requested stay will be paid as a reservation, although this reservation will not be considered formalized until receipt of the confirmation provided by e-EyE.
Once it is verified that the reservation has been paid for, you will receive a confirmation email with the information of the reserved facilities and confirmation of the reservation.
The amount of the reservation deposit will be paid by transfer. It will not be considered formalized until the corresponding amount is deposited into the e-EyE account provided for this purpose and the bank receipt is received at the email address
The client must indicate in the reservation the number of people included (hereinafter “accompanying”) in the reservation, having the right to occupy the accommodation and facilities the number of people indicated. In the event that the Client occupies the accommodation with more people than indicated without prior authorization from e-EyE, it may ask the Client to vacate the facilities without the right to any compensation.
e-EyE reserves the right to reject a reservation from any Client with whom it has a dispute or there have been problems in the payment of previous purchases.

Second.- Modification of the reservation.
The reservation made to enjoy the complementary services offered related to astronomy may be subject to modification in the event that the weather forecast indicates that it cannot be made on the indicated date, always taking into account the availability of e-EyE and the Customer. If it is not possible to relocate the Client on another date, the amount paid as a reservation will be returned, without the Client being able to claim any other amount from e-EyE as compensation. In any other case, the dates of arrival or departure of the facilities cannot be modified.

Third.- Cancellation of the reservation.
The Client can cancel the reservation with a minimum notice of 7 days before the arrival date, without any charge. In this case, e-EyE will proceed to return the amount paid for the formalization within a maximum period of 7 days.
In the event of cancellation of a reservation without respecting the agreed period, a series of cancellation costs will be applied to the amount paid for the formalization. 
25% if the cancellation is made less than 7 days in advance of the arrival date.
If the Client does not show up on the day of the reservation, they must pay the 100% of the reservation as compensation.

Fourth.- Entry into the establishment.
Check-in time at the property can be flexible after discussion with e-EyE staff.
If check-in is to take place after 8 p.m., it is necessary to notify them sufficiently in advance. If arrival takes place at dawn, the early morning arrival will be counted as one more night and must be paid for.

Fifth.- Departure from the establishment.
Before leaving the accommodation, the Client must ensure that the facilities are properly collected and that all their belongings are taken. In case you forget any of them, e-EyE is not responsible for their condition and disappearance, and they will be stored, if possible, in our facilities. The Customer will pay the cost of the shipping costs necessary for its recovery.
The delivery of keys will be carried out in coordination with the e-EyE staff.

Sixth.- Civic conduct and norms.
The Client and each and every one of his companions must respect the neighbors and other residents, therefore uncivil behavior will not be tolerated.
Pets and companion animals are accepted, with the Client being responsible at all times for their care, attention and safety, and e-EyE is not responsible for any cases of loss, misplacement, injuries or even death thereof. Likewise, the Client will be equally responsible for any damages that these animals may cause to the facilities, and to the property of other clients and third parties, including physical damage.
The Client and his companions must especially:
properly use the facilities and furniture of the facilities and maintain their condition;
refrain from intimidating, offensive or rude behavior towards other Clients, local residents and e-EyE employees;
refrain from excessive alcohol consumption (the level of which is dangerous for the Client's health, or may shock other people); and
abstain from the consumption of other narcotic substances (for example drugs).
The Client will only use the pool during the seasons and times authorized for this purpose, under his own responsibility and in accordance with the rules of use indicated below:
The pool is for the exclusive use of e-EyE Clients, and must not allow access to any outside person.
The pool area is not open all year round, its opening date depending on the weather, demand and other factors, so you will not use it during periods not authorized by e-EyE.
Bathing and staying in the pool area must be respectful of other guests.
The pool is private, so it does not require the presence of a lifeguard, so extreme security measures must be taken.
The use of glass containers is prohibited.
Children, for safety reasons, cannot bathe without the presence of an adult.
Bathing of pets is totally prohibited.

The Client may only use the barbecue area in the seasons authorized for the use of fire in the countryside and always under the rules of use dictated by e-EyE, using the materials that e-EyE authorizes and recommends and generating the least possible impact on the environment. Upon completion, the Client must leave the barbecue area free of waste.
The Client is aware that the facilities are located in a special enclave, surrounded by nature, so the Client and all his companions will take special care of the environment and environment that surrounds them, generating the least possible impact.
In particular, and given the special orographic configuration of the area, the Client and their companions and/or pets must not leave the designated area, avoiding the ravine area or any other area that in their opinion could be dangerous. In the event that the Client, their companions or pets leave the premises, they will do so properly equipped and under their strictest responsibility, exonerating e-EyE from any liability for damages or losses.

Seventh.- Responsible consumption instructions.
e-EyE is concerned about respect for the environment and generating the smallest ecological footprint possible, which is why it asks its Clients to comply with the following instructions for responsible use and consumption:
Do not leave the taps open while doing actions such as brushing your teeth, hands, taking a shower, etc.
Use only the water that is necessary, avoiding wasting it.
Do not use heating or cooling systems if they are not necessary.
Do not use heating or cooling systems with windows or doors open.
Do not use lighting and lighting systems if they are not necessary.
Do not use the toilet as a waste disposal system. In particular, given the environmentally sustainable system chosen for the toilets, do not throw paper into them, in order to avoid clogging and/or deterioration.
Use the trash cans. Do not throw garbage or waste such as cigarette butts, papers, cans into the fields, which contaminate and deteriorate the beauty of these places.
Recycle, as far as possible, the waste you generate.
Do not alter the lives of the animals you may encounter during your stay in the facilities.

Eighth.- Data protection.
In accordance with the provisions of Organic Law 15/1999, of December 13, on the Protection of Personal Data (LOPD) and its Development Regulation approved by RD 1720/2007, of December 21, the personal data provided Through the website or through emails, they will be incorporated into a file owned by e-EyE.
All data provided by the Client will be used solely and exclusively for the purposes of this contract, and cannot be processed or transferred without the express agreement of the Client, with the only exceptions contemplated in the Organic Law on Data Protection.
The rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition may be exercised by postal mail, attaching a copy of a document proving your identity to the address Entre Encinas y Estrellas, SL, calle Colón nº 38, cp 06350, Higuera la Real, Badajoz or the following address: email address

Ninth.- Contractual relationship.

It will be governed by the free will of the parties at all times and additionally by the provisions of the Civil Code and the applicable regulations, Decree 65/2015, of April 14, which establishes the organization and classification system of accommodations. of rural tourism of the Autonomous Community of Extremadura.
Eleventh.- Right to Modify the General Contracting Conditions.

e-EyE reserves the right to modify unilaterally and without prior notice, any of the provisions included in these General Contracting Conditions, in the manner it deems appropriate, informing users of the modifications made through the Web Site, in order to that they can be known and accepted again by users.

Tenth.- Partial nullity.

In the event that any of the paragraphs or clauses of these General Conditions are declared null or unenforceable by any jurisdictional court, the validity and enforceability of the rest of the General Conditions will not be affected, and the clause or paragraph declared void or unenforceable by another valid and executable one that leads to the result closest to that sought by the clause or paragraph declared void or unenforceable.

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