Please try to contact us by WhatsApp or Telegram

We will be pleased to assist you


Cindy Castaño

Cindy Castaño

+34 629 78 41 21

She will receive you with pleasure managing your reservations, comfort in any stay that wants to be cozy is born with the treatment, she is the confirmation!

Cristina Fabo

Cristina Fabo

+34 609 06 87 15

Administration and tourism. Kindness and efficiency in equal measure in all your questions and doubts, providing options and advice at the speed of light!!

Cristina Patilla

Cristina Patilla

+34 659 029 765

As an expert housekeeper, once you settle in, she will make any of our homes feel like your own. You will sleep under a blanket of stars!


José Luis Quiñones

José Luis Quiñones

+34 609 551 032

Astronomical passion, knowledge of another galaxy and curiosity the size of the cosmos, all in the same person!

Gabino Muriel

Gabino Muriel

+34 635 478 920

Scientific popularization, in its purest form, our particular Carl Sagan brings you closer to the knowledge of infinity. It will surprise you!

José Manuel Facenda

José Manuel Facenda

+34 639 548 331

Astronomy and popularization. On board the ship of his word you will discover the universe. Prepared?

José Fernando Boza

José Fernando Boza

+34 675 042 608

A telescope technician, the human part that completes the circle of excellence in the hosting service.

Astroturismo; Alojamiento Turístico; Actividades Astronómicas; Casa Rurales; Entre Encinas y Estrellas; Extremadura;

Where we are?

Fregenal de la Sierra, Badajoz Extremadura, Spain Directions to get there: We recommend that you get to Fregenal de la Sierra, so that the navigator does not take you along long dirt roads. From Fregenal it reaches the Sanctuary of Los Remedios. Once there, follow the signs to the right of “Vereda Jerez-Bodonal”. Take that road. At 700 meters you will find us on the left.

Geographical coordinates: Latitud: 38º 13′ 10.89″ – Longitud: 6º 37′ 54.32″ – Altitud: 560 m.s.n.m.

Be e-EyE!!

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[leaflet-map lat=38.21652817115249 lng=-6.627577543258668 zoom=10 zoomcontrol] Emplazamiento de e-EyE [leaflet-marker iconSize="80,50" iconAnchor="40,60" lat=38.218 lng=-6.6302]e-EyE [/leaflet-marker]